AJ Green Guitar Tuition

Professional Guitar Tuition in the Wolverhampton area


Studio Day 3

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Studio Day 3

SLADE Legend Jim Lea Studio day 3 and Slade Legend Jim Lea pops in. We had a good chat for about an hour and half about just about everything from music to local pubs. Jim told me he grew up in Bilbrook. It was great to see him. When he walked in the studio his first words were. I know you don’t I we have met before. Kemper The main object of studio day 3 was to set up my Kemper and re-amp guitars that i had recorded at home into Logic pro. The Kemper emulates your favourite amps. But this isn’t quite like a modelling amp; rather than...

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New Album Underway

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New Album Underway

I have a new album underway that hopefully will see a release this year. The songs have been written over a period of a few years in my spare time. Rough demos with myself playing all of the instruments and doing drum programming have been recorded onto Logic Pro at home ready to take into a studio. I also released an album that I recorded at home way back in 2017 and then a single in 2019. However these was never taken into a studio so are in a very rough demo format. This album / single was a test to see how easy or difficult the process...

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Now Booking Face To Face Lessons

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Now Booking Face To Face Lessons

Returning to Face To Face I am now booking face to face lessons again. I have had many calls and E-Mails regarding lessons in my home studio. For the past 2 years during the pandemic I have only given online lessons and lessons in schools. I now believe it is the time to reopen and go back to face to face lessons. I would like to give a big thank you to all of my students who continued to take lessons with me online. It was a massive learning curve for all of us. Online lessons will still be available for those who would rather stop online...

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Since the start of the pandemic I have used something called Soundslice this has been the best learmig tool I have ever seen for guitar. I send my students a link to what we are working on and then the student can see a video of myself playing the piece, the music and tablature. The student can then slow down the piece of music, loop sections that they may want to practise and also make the video larger to be able to see techniques not only close up but with the ability to slow the video down. This has been very popular with all my students....

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Paul McCartney Lyrics Book Review

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Paul McCartney Lyrics Book Review

Paul McCartney Lyrics Book Let me start by saying that reviewing books is not normally something I would do on my website. The fact that this book contains not one note of music in it, or any chords makes it an even more peculiar. The reason I have decided to review this book is, the fact that it is written by one the most successful song writers of our time. I have read many “Rockstar” biographies over the years. This one though stands out from the crowd. The book covers his lyrics from 1956 to now. So that includes The Beatles,...

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Christmas Gifts For Guitarists

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Christmas Gifts For Guitarists

Christmas Gifts For Guitarists Its that time of year again and you could be looking to buy Christmas gifts for guitarists in your life. So I am her to give you some ideas I will also include links to Amazon so you do not have to go hunting around specialist music shops to find them. Tuner First up is a guitar tuner. They will always sound better after using a guitar tuner. They are a great stocking filler and easy to use. This can be kept with a guitar or in a gig bag. very portable and can be used for beginners and advanced guitarists. A...

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A J Green Award Winning Guitar Tutor

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A J Green Award Winning Guitar Tutor

Guitar Tutor Of The Year 2021 A J Green award winning Guitar Tutor. A J Green has been awarded the Midlands Enterprise Award for guitar tutor of the year 2021. Midlands Enterprise Awards Scheme aims to be a thorough, robust representation of the ‘crème de la crème’ of business throughout the Midlands. As they say, ‘the cream rises to the top’ and when faced with the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought, this saying has never been truer. When the pandemic hit in March 2020 it literally threw the music industry into turmoil. Face...

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100% In London College Of Music Exam

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100% In London College Of Music Exam

Jan Burton Scores 100% With London College Of Music Examination Congratulations are in order for Jan Burton for scoring 100% in London College of Music guitar exam. Jan started taking online guitar lessons with me back in February 2021 Jan has lessons on electric and acoustic guitar. Since 2004 I have given my students the option to take guitar exams to gain recognised qualifications. The majority of my students pass with either merit or distinction. However Jan is the first student I have ever known to have passed with a mark of 100% in a...

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Online Guitar Lessons

Posted by on 12:47 pm in news | 1 comment

Online Guitar Lessons

Online Guitar Lessons Online Guitar Lessons I have now been doing online guitar lessons for over a year. When the pandemic lockdown began I had to think quickly to keep things moving. The music business ground to a halt in terms of live performances. I did not want to do substandard lessons. So I had to do some research as this was completely new to me, and to most of my students. I looked at as many online teaching / meeting platforms as possible. I found Zoom to be the best of the bunch as this enables screen sharing a feature many of the...

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Acoustic Guitar Exam Changes

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Acoustic Guitar Exam Changes

Acoustic Guitar Exam Changes Acoustic Guitar Exam Changes There have been a few acoustic guitar changes. Registry of Guitar Tutors (R.G.T) have now merged with London College of Music. (LCM) this has been rebranded ‘RGT@LCM’ The RGT syllabus for acoustic guitar ended at the end of 2020. RGT@LCM. In this post I will only be concentrating on acoustic guitar performance awards as this has always been popular with my students over the years. As most of you may know London College of Music offer graded examinations on most instruments....

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